In October 2019 my house burned down. My art studio and work were destroyed. I was left with only fragments of my entire life. After the shock wore off, I spent hours sifting through the ashes. Every fragment I found took on a meaning far beyond what the object in its wholeness had ever held. Each scrap became a symbol, and a lesson in detachment.
I found a title page from a book of Sufi poetry, I Heard God Laughing, and it made me laugh too.
Feeling philosophical about this crazy life journey, images of labyrinths arose in my awareness.
I Heard God Laughing
49 x 49 inches
Burnt pages and ash on painted board
24 x 48.5 inches
Ash, recovered textile, burnt photographs, photocopies of destroyed paintings on painted board.
Burnt Lotus
24 x 24 inches
Pastel on burnt pages of a self-help book over oil paint on board